Dr. Omar Abdulwahhab Khalaf’s Invaluable Contributions to the DAAD Conference and the TRACEED Project – Germany

Shayan: Dr. Omar Abdulwahhab Khalaf, a distinguished faculty member from the Interior Design Engineering Department at Tishk International University, showcased remarkable expertise and scholarly engagement at the prestigious international DAAD conference held at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, in December 2023. The primary objective of this conference was to foster staff exchange and enhance experiences with international institutions. Dr. Omar’s active participation in the conference as a panelist in the round table discussion, focusing on the theme “Educational Spaces: A Space for Dialogue through History,” presented an insightful chronicle of the evolution of educational spaces and their profound impact on their form and function across historical eras.

During the panel discussion, Dr. Omar expertly traversed through time, chronologically detailing the evolution of various educational spaces. His comprehensive explanation highlighted how these spaces evolved, shedding light on their historical significance and elucidating their transformative effects on educational methodologies and spatial design. By delving into the historical context, he provided a nuanced understanding of how societal changes have influenced these educational environments’ form, structure, and purpose.

Beyond his role as a panelist, Dr. Omar was pivotal as a member of an international research project within the Focus Groups. His involvement in transforming the first School Museum of Erbil from a physical entity to a digital website demonstrates his commitment to preserving educational heritage through innovative technological means. This initiative preserves historical artifacts and makes them accessible to a global audience, ensuring the perpetuation of educational history for future generations.

Furthermore, Dr. Omar’s active engagement in the Workshop Program, TRACEED: “Tracing Educational Trajectories from the Late 19th Century to the Present,” exemplifies his dedication to exploring multidisciplinary approaches to studying minority education in Northern Iraq. His contributions underscore the collaborative efforts to comprehensively understand and enhance educational trajectories within diverse cultural contexts.

Dr. Omar’s significant contribution in involving TIU Interior Design students in this esteemed event is noteworthy. Their involvement in the international workshop during Human Rights Week hosted by TIU in September 2023 showcased their remarkable talent and dedication. The proposal to exhibit their work in a video format aligns with the essence of the event, offering a platform to showcase their creativity and accomplishments on a global stage.

Dr. Omar Abdulwahhab Khalaf’s multifaceted contributions to the DAAD conference and the TRACEED project stand as a testament to his dedication to academia, educational heritage preservation, and the integration of students into significant academic spheres. His commitment enriches academic discourse and empowers students to engage meaningfully with global academic communities, fostering a culture of innovation and excellence within Tishk International University.


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